With the election just under six months away, more and more polls are showing that Americans are extremely concerned about the economy. Money is at the top of many American minds. America is unsure of whether President Obama's leadership has been enough to pull the country out of the trenches, and wants to know how ready Mitt Romney is for the task. The release of April's national unemployment figures inspired fervent responses and fodder from both Obama & Romney.
While the figures showed that unemployment had dropped to a national average of 8.1%, a positive note for the President, Romney was quick to condemn the President for what he said was simply not enough jobs gleaned. Romney blamed the president for the country's apathetic manner towards employment, and in another sentence, also blamed him for gasoline prices. Romney was quick to pass off the drop on "340,000 people becoming discouraged and dropping out of the workforce."
Obama quickly countered that "any growth is good growth," explaining that his policies were only beginning to work.
Time is ticking for Obama. Will he able to hold on to the American people in such an economic downfall? However, history is on his side: in times of crisis, America tends to prefer an incumbent precedent. Time will only tell if this double-dip recession is considered crisis enough to the country.